Utilization Review Nurse Interview Questions

Utilization review nurse interview questions

Job seekers wanting a utilization review nurse position have several gateways they must successfully pass through to land become part of the hospital staff. 

Once they pass all the educational and clinical protocols, they must also hold up to a hospital’s high standards of answering utilization review nurse interview questions.

Interviews can make anyone nervous but answering specific questions relating to this position can add extra stress. 

Utilization review nurse interview questions probe deeper than standard job interview questions.

Those hiring want to make sure you understand the skills needed for this job so questions often deal with scenarios and skills you are using.

They also examine how you think and perform tasks in certain environments.

A job like a utilization review nurse must have a certain mindset to do well among peers, patients, and a busy environment.

Questions asked are meant to find out if you are that type of person.

Before you go through the questions you should watch this video about how to become a utilization review nurse without any experience to gain an advantage over others.

Video made by: Life As Wendy RN

Some of these questions are more common than others. Read on to find out which to expect and the answers future employers are looking for in their new hires.

Utilization Review Nurse Interview Questions and Answers

1. Have you had to deal with irate people, like patients or family members and how did you handle it?

Here, they want to know if you can remain professional when dealing with difficult people.

You will be dealing with all kinds of people in this position and some will be difficult.

A sample answer would be:

I helped my parents in taking care of my grandmother, who had dementia.

See also: Dementia Nurse Interview Questions

She lived with us and could be extremely difficult.

I never took her behavior personally and just did the tasks I needed to do to keep her healthy and safe.

2. Can you handle pressure and still work without losing your cool?

Hospitals can get extremely busy with a lot of high-pressure situations.

The interviewer wants to know if you can work under that kind of constant pressure.

Days in a hospital or facility can be stressful and emotional for everyone.

A sample answer would be:

I can work well under pressure and will be able to finish any task while remaining professional.

I tend to keep a positive attitude in these types of situations.

3. What do you do to prioritize your work if there are several tasks given to you at once?

The person interviewing seeks to know your decision-making process in making one task a priority over another and whether you can handle a variety of tasks.

This is important because you may not have constant supervision and will need to make some decisions on your own.

Some of those decisions could affect someone’s life or health.

An example answer would be:

I have been able to handle a variety of tasks that come up at once.

I prioritize them by taking on the most urgent ones first and then working to complete the others. 

See also: Telemetry Nurse Interview Questions

4. Give some examples of a few unsatisfactory performance reviews you’ve received. What did you learn?

The interviewer is looking at how you take criticism and whether you can look at your flaws fairly.

It’s important to remain factual and unemotional as you talk about this.

That way they know you understand you aren’t perfect and can take constructive criticism well. 

An example answer would be:

One criticism in a performance review was that I wasn’t as friendly as I should be.

I tend to like to work alone on tasks too much.

That is unfortunate because it doesn’t allow me to build relationships that are important to team management. 

See also: CRNA Interview Questions

5. What type of people do you find it challenging to work with?

The interviewer wants to see if you are a judgmental, a complainer, or a team player.

You must answer this question cautiously.

There is only one acceptable answer for this question. It is an important answer for the company and the recruiter who hires you.

An example of a good answer is:

I typically don’t have trouble working with any specific personality.

I like everyone I meet.

The only ones that would make it hard for me to work with them are those who break laws or repeatedly break company policy.

See also: Correctional Nurse Interview Questions

6. What is your work philosophy?

The interviewer wants to know how much you value work and doing it well.

They want someone willing to put in extra hours and do more than required.

An example answer would be:

I feel work done well is important, especially in this field.

I want to make sure patients’ needs are met and will go the distance to make sure that is done.

Even if that means extra hours or additional work I’m not accustomed to doing.

See also: Interventional Radiology Nurse Interview Questions

7. Do you think you are successful?

The interviewer wants to know if you’re confident in your life.

It can be tricky to answer because if you expound too much, you appear arrogant or a liar.

Yet, those who say too little seem like they aren’t confident at all.

The balance between confidence and humility is one to strive for in your answer.

Achieving that balance will impress your would-be boss or human relations recruiter.

A good example of an answer is:

Yes, I believe I’ve achieved some success.

I set goals in college and my career and have accomplished most of those.

I am on the right road to accomplish more in the future.

See also: Research Nurse Interview Questions

Utilization Review Nurse Interview Questions and Answers PDF

Download our comprehensive PDF guide featuring expertly crafted utilization review nurse interview questions and model answers.

Gain the confidence and knowledge you need to excel in your upcoming job interviews.

Don’t miss out – get your PDF now and embark on your path to career success!

Conclusion: Interview Questions for Utilization Review Nurse

Doing well in an interview for a utilization review nurse position depends on a certain level of maturity and wisdom.

You need to be able to think quickly and clearly in an emergency or busy situation.

Answering directly in a short, definitive way will tell the interviewer you can handle anything.

It also depends on being a team player and accepting others, whether they are patients or co-workers, as they are without condemnation

Questions posed during this type of interview are intended to find out how you would fit with the overall facility environment so you would be a welcomed addition.

Knowing yourself is a key component in answering each honestly and landing the job.

Good luck with your utilization review nurse job interview questions!

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