Best Infection Control Nurse Interview Questions

Infection control nurse interview questions

Nursing alone is a tough job, with situations constantly arising, turning an easy day into chaos at the drop of a hat.

These situations are ten times as nerve-wracking when dealing with infection control, and employers want to ensure their new hires can handle the job.

If you are preparing for an interview as an infection control nurse, you want to walk into the room with the attitude you already have the job (it’s in the bag).

Confidence will go a long way with this situation, and being prepared for any question that comes your way will defiantly give you the upper hand.

In the text below, we have questions you will often hear asked when interviewing for an infection control nurse position, along with some great example answers to help guide you to come up with your own.

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Infection Control Nurse Interview Questions and Answers

Please review the questions listed below and practice answering them to yourself, a friend, or your dog, to build your confidence and prepare yourself for a quick response.

1. Why do you want to work as an infection control nurse?

One of the first and most obvious questions you will be asked in an interview is why you want that position.

Employers want to ensure their new hiring is coming on board for the right reasons and will bring something to benefit the company.

You can use this question to flaunt your education, skills, and experience in the field.

Example answer:

I have seen the damage caused by spreading infectious diseases can have on individuals, families, and communities firsthand.

I worked through the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in an ER room and watched how scared people were and how nobody knew what to do.

Would like to take steps to make a change and to aid in relieving people’s fears and stopping the spread of disease before it even starts.

2. Why are you leaving your current job?

You have to be careful when answering this question.

It would be best never to discuss the drama or “unfair” treatment from another company.

It doesn’t look professional, and the interviewer doesn’t want to hear that you can’t handle yourself when things get tough.

Instead, please keep it simple and make the job transfer a step in a new direction or maybe a search for something closer to home or due to relocating.

Example answer:

I just purchased my first home and am looking for something closer.

As of right now, I have to travel an hour to work and an hour home.

See also: Sterile Processing Technician Interview Questions

3. Would you consider yourself a team player?

There is rarely a time when one person provides all the care to a patient.

It takes a team to get the job done and provide the proper services and attention from start to finish.

Because of this, you must prove to the interviewer you can work with others.

Example answer:

I feel the best way to get through the day is by working well with those around you.

I believe that in the healthcare world, communication is key, and I have learned over time how important it is to give and take to make the workday go smoothly and to provide patients with the best care possible. 

4. What are your biggest strengths in the infection control nursing field?

The employer wants to ensure you have the skills and knowledge required to handle this job.

See also: What Are Your Strengths Nursing Interview

They also want to ensure you know what you are getting yourself into and have the confidence to take on the task.

Example answer:

I have great communication skills and am very organized.

I believe that in this position I can handle keeping an eye on diseases and illnesses coming in the doors daily and use my skills as a nurse to keep things under control.

While I do believe in teamwork, I am also very independent.

I can use my education and background as a lead nurse to ensure proper techniques and tools are utilized to provide the best care possible for all situations.

See also: Nurse Leadership Interview Questions

5. What are your biggest weaknesses in the infection control nursing field?

Employers like to see what people think about themselves as this will significantly affect their work. 

When discussing your weaknesses, never talk about negative things.

Your weaknesses should be beneficial to the field and easy to work with.

Example answer:

I have been told that I can be a little bit of a perfectionist.

I may take extra steps to keep things organized and tidy, which isn’t necessarily needed, or I can sometimes clean to the extreme, putting extra work on myself.

See also: Weaknesses for Nursing Interview

6. How do you prioritize your daily work task?

This question is frequently asked and is a good way for employers to evaluate your time management skills.

You can let the interviewer hear how you prioritize patient care and safety.

Example answer:

I feel time management is a huge part of patient care and treatment.

I always put the quality of care above all other tasks.

As an infection control nurse, I would ensure to minimize all health risks to our patients through proper cleaning, disinfecting, and monitoring the patient environment.

I tend to leave smaller duties to a later time or delegating the task to another employee.

7. Do you have any questions for me?

Employers like to ask this to see how open and honest you are.

They like to hear what you say and want to see what you might know about the company.

Keep these questions brief and on topic.

Example answer:

What is the current protocol in place for the spread of infectious disease in this facility?

Infection Control Nurse Interview Questions and Answers PDF

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Conclusion: Interview Questions for Infection Control Nurses

Any interview can be nerve-wracking.

The best way to keep yourself calm and confident is to practice any questions that may come up during that time and be prepared with great answers that will make you stand out.

Good luck with your upcoming interview!

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